
AM Nutrition’s sustainability ambitions and commitments are set in line with the UN Sustainability Development Goals.

The purpose of our strategy is to inspire people to take sustainable choices.

AM Nutrition is highly committed to contribute to a better planet, by being a pro-active actor in the supply of plant food ingredients which have been shown to lower the impact on the environment, as well as being healthier food alternatives to consumers. It is time to re-consider our food system and make it greener and sustainable.

This strategy describes the sustainable agenda and ambitions for everyone at AM Nutrition and our value chain. For us, sustainability means to balance economic growth and positive social impact, while still protecting the environment. We want to meet our customers and partners needs without compromising our planet.

Economical sustainability

The world demand for food will rise dramatically in the coming years. In a world currently deficient in animal protein, large global opportunities exist for the use of vegetable proteins and functional starches, especially when produced in a sustainable manner.

It is therefore believed that the increasing demand and global competition for proteins in human food, pet food and livestock feed will indeed stimulate the search for alternative and sustainable protein sources for assuring food security.

Environmental sustainability

Producing enough food without using more land or putting more pressure on water, soil and energy reserves will be challenging. That is why pulses are a great alternative, as they are highly water-efficient, rich in micronutrients and environmentally friendly. Pulses fix nitrogen to the soil, improve crops rotation and reduce dependence on energy-intensive fertilizers.

As a business reliant on natural resources, a big part of how we work is ensuring that raw materials and resources are used in the most efficient way. Our production process has a low energy consumption and uses a dry process which requires no use of water or chemicals.

Social sustainability

Social sustainability includes everything from basic human rights to well-being and the opportunity to develop professionally at work. AM Nutrition wants to be perceived as a serious, reliable and long-term partner. We emphasize high standards of business ethics and integrity, and have respect for our partners, customers and the culture of the countries in which we operate. Read more about our ethical guidelines here.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

AM Nutrition’s strategy, together with our goals and policies, sets the guidelines for our work on sustainability. We are committed to support the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. AM Nutrition contribute to several of them. We consider where we have the biggest impact and prioritize three goals to focus on. Despite having these priority goals, we contribute to several of the SD goals along our value chain and continuously expand our focus.

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all

Peas represent a sustainable protein source and are good for nutrition, health and the environment. AM Nutrition are participating in projects for use of pea product in food applications with the goal to increase the consumption of plant-based food.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Our products are obtained by air-classification – a dry process technology that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. The production process uses no water or chemicals. Our goal is no waste productions and no incidence to people or environment.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact

Our production prosess has low energy consumption. However, we are constantly looking at new ways to improve ourselves and we continue to reduce energy consumption throughout our value chain together with our partners.

AMN – the natural and sustainable way!

Natural, healthy and functional ingredients.