AM Nutrition Blog
«Plant proteins are coming»
Karin Kvernberg, Quality & HSE Manager, AM Nutrition

October 4, 2018 | Food

Original article published at «Dagens Næringsliv» on 28th. July 2018 and written by Antje Gonera, PhD and Anna Birgitte Milford, PhD, Senior researchers at NOFIMA and NIBIO, Norway. Article in Norwegian.
«In Norwegian stores, you will find more and more finished food products made from peas, beans, oats, wheat and other from the plant world. Some look and taste like meat, others have their own identity as a plant product, but all can still take the place on the plate where the meat piece used to be, » writes the author.

The article is an out spring of the NFR-funded project «FoodProFuture», in which NOFIMA and NIBIO have a leading role, and where AM Nutrition participates as associated industrial partner.

FoodProFuture aims to develop the necessary knowledge platform for optimal production and utilization of Norwegian plant resources into tasty, healthy and attractive plant-based food products with high protein content.

More information can be found in NOFIMA Report No 25/2018. «The plant protein trend in Norway: Market overview and future perspectives».

Open access online:

TPP55®, texturized pea protein concentrate as meat analog developed by AM Nutrition/NISCO.

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