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The AMN team is growing!
We are pleased to announce that the AMN team is growing. We would like to introduce you to Henrik Andersen, who will be a part of our sales team from October 1. Henrik comes with experiences within ingredients.
High protein bread with AMN Pea Protein concentrate
The present study had as main goal to develop new food alternatives with high protein content for diverse consumer segments. The products should be nutritionally rich, tasty and visually appealing.
Master thesis: Protein enrichment in minced fish products – using Pea Protein Concentrate, salmon protein hydrolysate and hydrocolloids
Studies conducted by Ingvild Gundersen, master student at University in Stavanger under the supervision of Scientists Aase Vorre Skuland and Jan Thomas Rosnes, Nofima, Stavanger
Reformulation of Petfood diets with AMN Pea Concentrates
The post-Covid situation and the ongoing conflict in Europe have resulted into a limited availability of ingredients and a significant increase in raw material prices used by Petfood manufacturers. These facts strengthen the urgent need for finding alternative ingredients and for reformulation of diets.
10th. of February – World Pulses Day 2022
AM Nutrition has the pleasure to announce 10th of February – United Nation`s World Pulses Day!
Successful networking at the Nordic Pet Food Conference, 2021
The 7th Nordic Pet Food Conference took place in Bologna, Italy on the 9th and 10th of November 2021. AM Nutrition (AMN) has been main sponsor of the conference since the first Nordic Petfood event in 2014. We feel humble and honored for being a Super Premium Sponsor also this year.
AMN continuous focus on sustainability – ISO 14001 certified
We are proud to announce that AMN has successfully completed the final audit for ISO 14001 certification – Environmental Management System.
AMN Sustainability
Our strategy is to inspire people to take sustainable choices and help our customers to reach their sustainability goals.
Warm welcome to Anette and Kirsten
We are pleased to announce that our AMN team have two new faces as of this summer.