AM Nutrition Blog
Master thesis: Protein enrichment in minced fish products – using Pea Protein Concentrate, salmon protein hydrolysate and hydrocolloids

Laura Gil Martens, Chief Nutritionist, R&D Manager, AM Nutrition
Studies conducted by Ingvild Gundersen, master student at University in Stavanger under the supervision of Scientists Aase Vorre Skuland and Jan Thomas Rosnes, Nofima, Stavanger
The world population is in rapid growth with demand for an improved utilization of already existing protein sources, along with development of new and sustainable ones.
The main objective of this thesis was to perform a pilot production and a shelf-life study to develop protein enriched minced fish products with edible soft texture. Protein sources from both animal origin, such as salmon protein hydrolysate (FPH) and of plant based origin, such as native pea protein concentrate (PPC) and texturized pea protein concentrate (TPP55) were used in combination with hydrocolloids in protein enrichment of minced fish products.
The work presented in this master´s thesis was conducted at the facilities at Nofima AS. The finalized work was part of a master’s degree in Biological Chemistry with specialization within molecular biology accomplished at University of Stavanger, Norway. Pea ingredients were supplied by AM Nutrition.
Salmon protein hydrolysate and pea protein concentrate were concluded to have a great potential for protein enrichment of minced fish products with possibilities for future industrial implementation by the food manufacturer sector.

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