AM Nutrition at FI Europe in Frankfurt

“The demand for natural ingredients, especially for vegetable proteins, has increased dramatically in recent years and is expected to continue to increase even further in the near future” explains Mr. Thomas Eskildsen, Business Manager AM Nutrition Denmark.
This fact gives AM Nutrition an unprecedented market opportunity to promote its native and extruded pea fractions. With a broader product portfolio, AM Nutrition was able to introduce a new generation of extruded products: Peatex®, Protex® and Startex®, as well as a recently developed meat analog: TPP55™, texturized pea protein concentrate.
AMN`s native products, alongside the extruded pea fractions, are highly suitable for ongoing market needs: natural, healthy and sustainable ingredients. The perfect choice in re-formulation of meat products as well as a base for gluten free and vegetarian recipes.

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